Meta's Garbage Disposal

Welcome to the trash pit. I'll be dumping stuff here when I'm excited to talk about it but aware enough that nobody will understand what the hell I'm saying. Stay a while if you wish. I don't mind either way. :)

Like everything else in my life, this site is an eternal WIP. I'll make peace with that someday, and try to finish it in the meantime.

Brawl Modding

(coming soon)

Music Rambles

2024-01-24: Tonal Whiplash

The Art Pile

(coming later)

Gaming Rambles

2024-02-01: SMW Kaizo Beginnings

About Me

(coming soon)

Find Me

Mastodon (

Discord (@metanite64) (prefer Mastodon if possible)

YouTube (@metamusic64) (where I dump all my music)